Contact Improvisation Intensive:GENERATING NOVELTYmit Sarah Young und Angela-Mara Florant Zeiten: 16.-23. Juli 2023 Es gibt die Möglichkeit auch nur am Wochenende 21.-23. Juli 2023 teilzunehmen! Ort: Ponderosa, Gutshof 3, 16248 Lunow-Stolzenhagen This is a weeklong Contact Improvisation* intensive from 16–23 July, 2023 led by Sarah Young and Angela-Mara Florant. [Weekend-only participation is also possible.] Sourcing research of Nancy Stark Smith, Steve Paxton, and decades of practice in the form, we will build on practical physical studies and ways of tuning our awareness to open into the unknowns of spontaneous dance-making. We’ll start the day with dropping into subtle physical choice-making through the Feldenkrais Method® and Contemplative Dance Practice. Then, the later morning will be a dive into the study of physical mechanics, momentum, gravity, weight-sharing, rolling, spiraling, and falling; our reflexes at work in Contact Improvisation. In the afternoons, we’ll experiment with physical predicaments and scores for shaping individual and collective attention. The evenings will be for jamming, viewing dance films, relaxing in the sauna, and conversations under the stars. During the weekend, additional dancers will join us and morning classes will continue. There will be an Underscore with live music and an experiential Talk-Through beforehand, jams and group scores, one-on-ones and time for swimming, walks, and enjoying the summer in the countryside. This intensive is for anyone wanting a facilitated intensive study of Contact Improvisation and is best suited for those with, at least, some CI jam or class experience. You should already know how to reach your hands towards the floor when falling and be responsive to your own self-care needs. We ask that you come ready to contribute positively and collaboratively to the group dynamic. We will overlap with P.O.R.C.H. Week 2 with Abby Crain, Mor Dermer, and Márcio Kerber Canabarro and P.O.R.C.H. WEEKEND WORKSHOP 3 – Sudden Matter (dialogues with diversity) with Octavio Dagnino, so there will be opportunities to synergize with this long-standing epic program of Ponderosa. Weeklong Program: [ www.ponderosa-dance.de/event/contact-improv-week ]( https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ponderosa-dance.de%2Fevent%2Fcontact-improv-week%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0_eIIxcoL1Ai8gkglFtOEF-FO9ls5fNaVJgbbSuOdwRG5BajcY7NWYdXk&h=AT30sRZ6FWptcTgacrhToyGJ72oqbNazUPPd-Ym5yMA_xsHfA0LpYlApbqXiHsUCRnsUwoE3Jn5PTfYV8aEEcBsVi8T7v5UW5zqmZhPwXdWOvtxpK3PKILWTNnTe1P249XtM6ITZWw&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT0j7HUSveZZAxQSh36nIY-inpzBeFVbJ-f7YCANiZSkPQ2vHUtclRYp981Y2QgcI_zf6tp-Gxw9IYtb6cRYeQ_Oq6Y1BBYDngl7A2Sg-FxQk2aShvPkpB5EWxv2dfaYVTg ) Weekend Program: [ www.ponderosa-dance.de/event/contact-improv-weekend ]( http://www.ponderosa-dance.de/event/contact-improv-weekend?fbclid=IwAR0NmA-h... )