17.8.-23.8.2023 Performance in CI CI & Performance In this week-long intensive, that ends with a public performance, Katarina Eriksson https://katerimpro.wixsite.com/website/resume & Andrew Wass https://wasswasswass.com/ share their unique perspectives on bringing Contact Improvisation into performance. The workshop is open for people with a sustained Contact Improvisation practice and an active interest in improvisational performance. Where : Studio Movity, Florastr. 42, 8610 Uster (ca 15 min from Zürich Station) Info :http://www.dancedot.org / contact@dancedot.org mailto:contact@dancedot.org Cost: CHF500-600 CHF (we are working on scholarship as support, please ask) Stay: it is possible to sleep at the studio (let us know) CHF 100.00 deposit is required to save your spot love to hear from you dorothée www.dancedot.org