Liebe CI-Begeisterte,

im September & Oktober finden im Hamburger Tanzstudio Triade wieder tolle CI-Workshops im Rahmen der Contact Punkte statt - 
zwei davon lege ich euch ganz besonders ans Herz:

Workshop mit Sabine Parzer (AT):
Release.Activate.Connect- Contemporary Dance Improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Somatics

13.-15. September 2024 / für alle Levels

Sabine zum Workshop: "This workshop addresses our ability to be present with each breath, movement and connection, to dance in a state of deep release and immediate activation.
Our goal in the improvisation is increased internal awareness, sensitivity, and connectivity that is available in the dance for self- referencing (anatomical/sensory) and connection, while dancing solo, with a partner or in group.

--> Mehr Infos und Anmeldung hier.

Workshop mit Anjelika Doniy (RU):
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

19.-20. Oktober 2024 / für Menschen mit CI-Vorerfahrung / Warm-Up Workshop für's NORDTANZ CI Festival 

Anjelika zum Workshop: "What is this workshop about? About the possibilities and limitations. About relationships with the other and others. About the flow of movement and consciousness. About contact with yourself, despite the constantly changing circumstances."

--> Mehr Infos und Anmeldung hier.



Sarah i.A. Triade Tanzforum e.V.