Deepening your Praxis 2 Training for experienced CI dancers https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/ https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/ https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/ *Are you curious to...* * dive deeper into the praxis of Contact Improvisation? * get inspired by great teachers? * gain new skills for your dances at the Jams? The same group of dancers will meet on three weekends - each led by a different teacher - to dive deeper into the richness of Contact Improvisation. We'll start our journey together with Ralf Jaroschinski "Counterbalancing Postmodernistic Fragmentation" <https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/#Contact%20Improvisation%20Workshop%20Deepening%20Your%20Praxis%20Wien%20Vienna>, enjoy an extra long weekend with Anjelika Doniy "The vine tendril teaching" <https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/#Contact%20Improvisation%20experienced%20Deepening%20Your%20Praxis%20Wien%20Vienna> and finish with Mirva Mäkinen "Essence of Trace in CI" <https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/#Contact%20Improvisation%20advanced%20Deepening%20Your%20Praxis%20Wien%20Vienna>. *Two short and one long weekend - that's like 4 'normal' weekends - 11 days of dancing with amazing teachers! :) * *TEACHERS + DATES* Ralf Jaroschinski <https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/#Contact%20Improvisation%20Workshop%20Deepening%20Your%20Praxis%20Wien%20Vienna> 8. - 10. Nov 2024 Anjelika Doniy <https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/#Contact%20Improvisation%20experienced%20Deepening%20Your%20Praxis%20Wien%20Vienna> 5. - 9. Feb 2025 Mirva Mäkinen <https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/#Contact%20Improvisation%20advanced%20Deepening%20Your%20Praxis%20Wien%20Vienna> 28. - 30. March 2025 *WORKSHOP TIMES Ralf & Mirva * Fr 17.00 - 20.00 Sa 10.00 - 18.00 (2h lunch break) Su 10.00 - 16.00 (1h lunch break) *WORKSHOP TIMES Anjelika* We 14.00 - 18.00 Th 10.00 - 18.00 (2h lunch break) Fr 10.00 - 18.00 (2h lunch break) Sa 10.00 - 18.00 (2h lunch break) Su 10.00 - 14.00 *WHERE* Samdrubling Friedrich Kaiser Gasse 74 1160 Wien *ACCOMODATION* It is possible to sleep in the dance hall from Friday till Sunday for € 15,- per night. Bring your own mat and sleeping bag. If you plan to do that, please tell me when you register. *HOW MUCH -* depending on your possibilities somewhere between: € 836 - 1250,- Early Bird, from 209€/weekend* - payment until 29th of June 2024 € 880 - 1250,- Normal price, from 220€/weekend* - payment until 15th of September 2024 € 980 - 1250,- Late Bird, from 245€/weekend* - payment after 15th of September 2024 If you're able to contribute more you're supporting dance teachers to earn more appropriate fees, as well as enabling participants with low income to join*.* Thank you! :)* * You may pay in rates. *From the teaching hours Anjelikas weekend counts like two weekends, so it's like 4 weekends in total. *APPLICATION & WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS:* https://www.freibewegt.at/frei-tanzen/deepening-your-praxis/ *Organization*: Lui / info@freibewegt.at ***** Mag. Claudia Lui Springer Feldenkrais® Praktikerin Child'Space® i.A. Somatic Experiencing® i.A. Ganzheitliche Tanz- und Bewegungspädagogin +43/680 30 60 186 info@freibewegt.at www.freibewegt.at