dani-ecki. #2 Newsletter 2023

ph: Jurij Konjar - autumn 2022
*#2 NEWSLETTER 2023*
*Dear dance adventurers,* after the contactfestival freiburg 21st edition and the 1st half of the year full with dance, we are excited about the coming programs, workshops and the possibility to share the dance and the research together!
We have started the new DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING in Freiburg which includes more of our interests! We continue and the modules are open to jump in. *#1 CICI* : *CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION** Tools for communication, interaction & creation in the present* next dates, 2 modules of 4 days in 2023. 30 Sept. - 03 Oct. 30 Nov - 03 Dec. + info http://dani-ecki.com/event/cici-2/
*#3 CITT**CONTACT IMPROVISATION TEACHER TRAINING* in Freiburg 2022/23. A great experience that invites us to have new perspectives and new questions about CI facilitation/teaching/sharing practice. Dates for the*#3 CITT*, 4 modules of 5 days in 2023/24. 13 - 17 Sept. 2023 01 - 05 Nov. 2023 03 - 07 Jan. 2024 03 - 07 April 2024 + info: http://dani-ecki.com/event/citt/
The*#21 CI INTENSIVE TRAINING*in Freiburg 2024, with Ecki, Bernd Ka & Melanie Seeger will take place from February - June 2024 Dates, 5 modules of 3 x 2 days and 2 x 4 days. 25 - 26 Feb. 01 - 02 April 29 - 30 April 18 - 21 May 08 - 11 June contact: CIIFreiburg@web.de
We will continue with our 20 year collaboration with Co. Dégadézo and offer regular CI classes in Strasbourg at CCS Choreographic Center Strasbourg on Wednesdays from 19-21h.
These are our plans for the coming months of 2023 and more, please join, share and support.
*Wishing you lot’s of dancing. Hoping to meet you soon, d+e* **
13 - 17 September. #3 CITT PROGRAM - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT IMPROVISATION TEACHER TRAINING with dani-ecki-meli Module 1 as part of the CITT (Sept 2023 & January, April, July 2024) cittfreiburg@gmail.com
30 Sept. - 3 Oct. #1 CICI DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION with dani-ecki Module 2 as part of the CICI Intensive training contact@dani-ecki.com
14 - 15 October. CI WORKSHOP - Konstanz, Germany CI Fundamentals with dani-ecki https://www.tanzform.de/workshops/154 <https://dani-ecki.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ce61ca74472ceabe270339a37&id=15ceff83fe&e=de333fbe5e>
1 - 5 November. #3 CITT PROGRAM - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT IMPROVISATION TEACHER TRAINING with dani-ecki-meli Module 2 as part of the CITT cittfreiburg@gmail.com
30 Nov. - 3 Dec. #1 CICI DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION with dani-ecki Module 3 as part of the CICI Intensive training contact@dani-ecki.com
+every Monday Momentum CI classes - Freiburg, Germany with Ecki, Renate, Melanie, Benno https://www.facebook.com/groups/518172748334631 <https://dani-ecki.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ce61ca74472ceabe270339a37&id=5feba0d346&e=de333fbe5e>
+ every Wednesday CI class - Strasbourg, France with dani - ecki & cie dégadézo contact:dayjamstrasbourg@gmail.com www.degadezo.com <https://dani-ecki.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ce61ca74472ceabe270339a37&id=5438f8f1ac&e=de333fbe5e>
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participants (1)
Eckhard Mueller