dani-ecki. #1 Newsletter 2023

dani-ecki. #1 Newsletter 2023 CONTACT IMPROVISATION - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION DANCE WORKSHOPS facilitated by Daniela Schwartz - Eckhard Müller. Facebook <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdaniandecki%2F&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=a5596ccffb39f2220d9494b402a4d2d0c45b2ce70680a90b8935042a5cd8bac5> Website <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dani-ecki.com&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=2e73cde168c4808bffef136cb4c8810c37ba8d152deeef359c2892cf10f8efa9> ph: Jurij Konjar *#1 NEWSLETTER 2023 * *Dear dance adventurers,* it’s been a year since we had move out of the city and live with(in) the forest in the North West of Alsace. It’s been great, filled with learnings and discoveries. The garden-forest demanded a lot of our energy and attention and offered us the possibility of amazement while experiencing and accompanying closely the nature life’s process and it’s cycles. What a generosity and abundance ! Each month since march till the end of november, we haven’t stop harvesting: wild eadible leaves and flowers, lot’s of vegetables, red and blue berries and other fruits, walnuts, chesnuts and so many wild mushrooms. A real joy! A great training for the mindbody and a marvelous new dance of the senses to embody! Following the impulse and synergy of getting back in the studio to share the dance during 2022, 2023 will give birth to a new DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING in Freiburg which includes more of our interests! #1 CICI : CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION* Tools for communication, interaction & creation in the present*. It will consist of 3 modules of 4 days during 2023. 13 -16 / 07. 30 / 09 - 03 / 10. 30 / 11 - 03 /12. + info here Last September, we have started in a new team Dani, Ecki, Melanie Seeger #2 CITT CONTACT IMPROVISATION TEACHER TRAINING in Freiburg 2022/23. A great experience that invites us to have new perspectives and new questions about CI facilitation/teaching/sharing practice. The NEW dates for the #3 CITT 2023/24 13 - 17 / 09 / 2023 01 - 05 / 11 / 2023 03 - 07 / 01 / 2024 03 - 07 / 04 / 2024 + info here. Ecki will continue his 4th year collaboration with the University of Languages & the Art’s University in Strasbourg, teaching german language through Dance Improvisation within ARTLINGO : an interdisciplinary project designed to revitalise the desire to learn by encouraging the initiative and creativity of students and teachers. https://langues.unistra.fr/formation/ue-douverture-ue5/artlingo <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=https%3A%2F%2Flangues.unistra.fr%2Fformation%2Fue-douverture-ue5%2Fartlingo&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=9f2fb0aeaf28f50a07173051fbd245e02e7394b7c1a75156637769d17594eb88> We will continue with our 20 year collaboration with Co. Dégadézo and offer regular CI classes in Strasbourg. We will be also looking for a dance studio in our area and nourish the dream of bringing the dance into this wonderful natural environment. These are our plans for 2023, please join, share and support. *Wishing you a great starting of 2023 and lot’s of dancing. Hoping to meet you soon, d+e* ** CONTACT IMPROVISATION - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION DANCE WORKSHOPS, INTENSIVE TRAININGS & TEACHERS TRAINING *facilitated by Daniela Schwartz - Eckhard Müller & other collaborators* 21 / 01. CI WORKSHOP - Strasbourg, France with Eckhard Müller nmann.prod@yahoo.fr 25 - 26 / 02. CI INTENSIVE TRAINING - Freiburg, Germany with Ecki, Bernd Ka & Melanie Anna Seeger Module 1, as part of the CI INTENSIVE TRAINING from February - June 2023 www.berndka.de, CIIFreiburg@web.de 11 - 12 / 03. CI WORKSHOP - Stuttgart, Germany with dani-ecki https://tanz-werk.com/ 25 - 26 / 03. CI WORKSHOP- Mühlhausen, Germany with dani-ecki www.crystal-semilla.de <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.crystal-semilla.de&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=b5907451b5fb8bfe2550a093c7f4dc90a668e1d17e2fb006976818629bcf800d> 13 - 16 / 07. #1 CICI DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION with dani-ecki Open module 1 as part of the CICI Intensive training contact@dani-ecki.com 13 - 17 / 09. #3 CITT PROGRAM - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT IMPROVISATION TEACHER TRAINING with dani-ecki-meli Module 1 as part of the CITT (Sept 2023 & January, April, July 2024) cittfreiburg@gmail.com 30 / 09 - 03 / 10. #1 CICI DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION with dani-ecki Module 2 as part of the CICI Intensive training contact@dani-ecki.com 14 - 15 / 10. CI WORKSHOP - Konstanz, Germany CI Fundamentals with dani-ecki https://www.tanzform.de/workshops/154 <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tanzform.de%2Fworkshops%2F154&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=bf5cf4fd6c0ac7cb999de530de32f18a94b3d3472517c52f054b8dbf63d12acf> 01 - 05 / 11. #3 CITT PROGRAM - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT IMPROVISATION TEACHER TRAINING with dani-ecki-meli Module 2 as part of the CITT cittfreiburg@gmail.com 30 / 11 - 03 / 12. #1 CICI DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING - Freiburg, Germany CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION with dani-ecki Module 3 as part of the CICI Intensive training contact@dani-ecki.com + October 2023 - June 2024. CI Intensive program- Freiburg, Germany with Ecki, Bernd Ka & Melanie Seeger www.berndka.de, CIIFreiburg@web.de +every Monday Momentum CI classes - Freiburg, Germany with Ecki, Renate, Melanie, Benno https://www.facebook.com/groups/518172748334631 <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F518172748334631&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=c3fa02de96b406daffb3fc318eaea23dbf59a7b1ead9ee3c432693174ec77237> + every Wednesday September - June CI class series - Strasbourg, France with Dani - Ecki & cie dégadézo www.degadezo.com <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.degadezo.com&xid=7e49126e29&uid=129855214&iid=8f2f5144e2&pool=cts&v=2&c=1673605652&h=0c6f7df3fda950bc7470ad64daa8bb36d4727e9d021dfe89a5f9ab563dbf48b2>
participants (1)
Eckhard Mueller