O GAIA e a Plataforma Transgénicos Fora, entre outras organizações e colectivos da sociedade civil portuguesa apoiam a Iniciativa de Cidadania Europeia ’Salvem as abelhas e agricultores’ (ver abaixo) Esta iniciativa precisa de 1 milhão de assinaturas para ser levada à Comissão Europeia para obrigar a criar uma proposta de legislação! Ajudem a pedir o fim dos pesticidas sintéticos, assinando a petição e partilhando-a com amigxs e colegas! obrigada Lanka Horstink GAIA - Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental [GAIA - Environmental Action and Intervention Group] gaia.org.pt <http://gaia.org.pt/> gaia@gaia.org.pt https://www.facebook.com/GAIA.LX/ Plataforma Transgénicos Fora [Stop GMO platform Portugal] info@stopogm.net <mailto:info@stopogm.net> www.stopogm.net <http://www.stopogm.net/> Ban pesticides in the EU: sign and support initiative Save Bees and Farmers The judges in the Monsanto Tribunal concluded that the widespread distribution of pesticides could be considered as ecocide. That's why we ask all EU citizens to sign the initiative Save Bees and Farmers <http://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/>. This will help to ban pesticides. Maybe not tomorrow, but in the long run. A very necessary step for our health and our biodiversity. Bayer-Monsanto is afraid of initiatives like this, so they spend a lot of money and energy to keep their toxic products on the market. Don't let them win. Don't be intimidated by the official request, please sign and ask friends and relatives to do the same. Ask organisations to include a call in their mailing or newsletter. Together we will win! <http://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/> Support video by Marie-Monique Robin: Enough! No more pesticides Powerful call by Marie-Monique Robin (film The World according to Monsanto and patron of Monsanto Tribunal): sign the initiative. It’s enough! We don’t want no more pesticides on the fields. The pesticides pollute our soils, The food we eat, The water we drink, And the air we breathe. They make our farmers and residents sick. They contribute to the destruction of our biodiversity. 80% of the insects have disappeared in Europe 30% of the birds The bee colonies continue to collapse All this deadly business Benefits a handful of multinationals Like Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta It’s enough! Please sign the petition Save Bees and Farmers <http://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/> Watch videocall by MM Robin to support Save Bees and Farmers <https://www.facebook.com/SaveBeesandFarmers/?__cft__[0]=AZWAzk4WMR2uCITzCbEhjR9L-0HmMXcF4lQhAPln63c1H0sD_EmvF_Xg-1WyPaimJuOMxKcaJUnZ9sJXNxgIOCoCo6cMsffErw8ReQm4B7VdgzCz4GMW4AczIF67ZzSCZXVovIXjYE_VGpU2Fw0-ZMWCHM6X5V1GDJypw-Wz5oHs0qMx0C0zwrbBU5WIwXXzTVk&__tn__=kK-R> (English subtitles) <https://fb.watch/5oCQk2oKQ_/> Can you support our work? Thanks for sharing our posts on social media and forwarding this newsletter to your friends! You could also help us with a donation <https://en.monsantotribunal.org/donate/>. Our work is voluntary but we need some money to keep the testimonies online and website and social media running. Unsubscribe <mailto:?subject=Unsubscribe>