still few places available *#1 CICI - DANCE INTENSIVE TRAINING in Freiburg, Germany* *CONTACT - IMPROVISATION - COMPOSITION - IMAGINATION* *facilitated by Daniela Schwartz - Eckhard Müller* *3 modules in **July - October - December 2023* *TOOLS FOR COMMUNICATION, INTERACTION & CREATION IN THE PRESENT* Unfolding a territory for research, creation and cooperation as fertile ground for generating a reflection on dance making, we deploy a space of encounter taking a new perspective on the dancing body and it’s interrelationships, from an individual and a collective experience. The Tools offered cultivate different modes of attention within the perceptual / sensorial / visual / kinesthetic mindbody to be shared in a compositional space. The co-creation in the present time takes place and reveals a diversity of possible and potential relationships. It allows a study of the senses and their role in the organization of the bodies in movement, making us aware of how our own dance, the group and the environment are affected, informed and transformed according to the choices we make. Creating bridges and opening doors as pathways to access and to make available our bodies and its senses, we will nourish our dances. *CONTENT* *CI* We will plunge into it’s principles: the reflexive body, spherical space, qualities of touch, diversifying the mosaic of sensations, shared weight, modulation of tone, deep listening, availability, readyness, risk taking and response-ability. *IMPROVISATION* We will explore its specific relation to Time: unison, synchronicity, delay, etc. We will attend to its specific relation to Space: environment, architecture, materiality, immateriality… We will strengthen our solo dance. We will develop our capacity to collaborate and co-create within a group. *COMPOSITION* We will play with sensing/feeling/observing the organization of our senses, of the inner and outer space, as well as the emerging and evolving interrelationships that will reveal. We will expand our ability of seeing with the eyes, seeing with the body and other ways of seeing. We will compose/take position with our bodies, the material and the physical space. With and through these three lenses we will dance, watch, report, write and draw considering all these activities as ways to share our imaginaries, experiences and research. We will be working with a fixed group and we will keep few spots available in each module for those that could join for 1 or 2 modules only, depending on the committed group size. This training requires some experience in CI and Improvisation combined with the desire to enter into compositional work. Please send us a short bio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Dates*: Module 1 Thursday - Sunday 13 - 16 July 4 days Module 2 Saturday - Tuesday 30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 4 days Module 3 Thursday - Sunday 30 Nov. - 3 Dec. 4 days ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cost*: */Prices full program/*/: 750, - Registering before May 1/ / 800, - Registering before June 1/ / 850, - Registering after/ */Single module Price/*/: 290, - Registration till 1 month before starting/ / 330, - Registering after/ /you can ask for reduction if it is necessary / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Timetable:* 6h a day incl. 1h pause ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Language*: classes will be in English, translation into German, French and/or Spanish will be possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Place*: TIP Studio Freiburg, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Accommodation*: let us know if you need help ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Registration & info*: contact@dani-ecki.com <mailto:contact@dani-ecki.com> (+49) 0163 717 4939 (Ecki) www.dani-ecki.com <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dani-ecki.com%2F&xid=0880e63ba8&uid=129855214&iid=43f5722525&pool=cts&v=2&c=1675451424&h=fa8790739786c51f5fe83e3776737bdbebd5a48380c2401657a9f51be1597822> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *DANI-ECKI BIO* They’ve been traveling and collaborating all over Europe and the Americas, offering CI & Improvisation workshops and developing projects based on Improvisation, since 2005. They’ve been invited to teach in the frame of Universities, Dance Theater programs & Dance Studios and Dance Festivals, internationally. *Daniela Schwartz (FR/RA)* Nomadic artist, involved in the practice, performance and teaching of Contact Improvisation and Improvisation since 1998. In Alsace, her base of action, she is a member of Co. Dégadézo since 2005. She is co-organizer and co-artistic director of contactfestival freiburg in Germany since 2012. She was part of the conception, organization and conduction team of the 1st ISS Improvisation Summer School in collaboration with the Université Côte d'Azur, France 2019. / With a focus on the ecosomatic practices as multidirectional movements in the present moment and as material for research, thought and creation, my main interests are the complexity of the interrelational dialogues and the virtuosity of attention and imagination anchored in the physical experience/. *Eckhard Müller (GER/FR)* Performer and teacher for Contact Improvisation & Improvisation, co-founder of the contactfestival freiburg and the dance company Dégadézo in Strasbourg. Further areas of experience in somatics, contemporary movement techniques, acrobatics and yoga. I am teaching CI and Improvisation since the early 90ies worldwide. These techniques are also the foundation for SKIN Interactive Performance Concept project, that I have realized in many cities all over South America and Europe with my partner Dani. / My main objective is to find to a mutual communication with our partners. In my lessons I try to awaken a playful approach to our bodies in motion, the associated physical forces and touch. In general, I am interested in freedom, lightness and flow in the meeting with our partner and the group./ // Facebook <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdaniandecki%2F&xid=0880e63ba8&uid=129855214&iid=43f5722525&pool=cts&v=2&c=1675451424&h=0e7b9e7f8fe847b60f6efd8c2929836b3aed81b7cd5cd45ffb4f08d61a186991> Website <https://us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dani-ecki.com&xid=0880e63ba8&uid=129855214&iid=43f5722525&pool=cts&v=2&c=1675451424&h=bd9b352416b9a3de5dc10424f301db1338a0508f439a468dc2443cb181db1559> You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to the dani-ecki newsletter. contact: dani-ecki Adinda-Flemmich-Str 14, 79100 Freiburg, Germany /Copyright © dani-ecki 2023/ -- eckhard mueller www.dani-ecki.com www.contactfestival.de www.ciglobalcalendar.net